


Professor of Biology

电子邮件: ferrer1@apipros.net
电话: 206-281-2513
办公室: 伊顿 106

教育: BS, Pepperdine University, 2000; PhD, UCLA, 2007. 自2007年起在SPU工作.

Research in 瑞安费雷尔’s lab examines the roles that chemical defense and chemical communication (smell and taste) play in shaping animal behavior and ecological interactions.

His students have pursued research questions in freshwater streams and ponds, the rocky shores of Puget Sound, and understory habitat of local forests, and have included a wide array of organisms, 包括藻类, 真菌, 节肢动物, 软体动物, 棘皮动物, 和脊椎动物.

Selected 出版物

  • 长,E.S., E.J. Tham*和R.P. 费勒(2024). "Succession and climatic stochasticity induce long-term decline of a forest browser." PLOS ONE 19: e0298231. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0298231.
  • 朗斯福德,E.T.*, K. Jenkins*和R.P. 费勒(2019). Chemical Signaling in Aquatic Ecosystems. In Encyclopedia of Water, P. 莫里斯(Ed.). http://doi.org/10.1002/9781119300762.wsts0188
  • 费雷尔,R.P; E.T. Lunsford*; C.M. Candido*; M.L. Strawn*; and K.M. 皮尔斯(2015). "Saxitoxin and the ochre sea star: Molecule of keystone significance and a classic keystone species." Integrative and Comparative Biology 55: 533-542. 摘要
  • - M. L.*; E.T. Lunsford*; L.E. Larsen*; M.M. Moran*; V. Allbritton*; R.P. Ferrer; and KM 皮尔斯(2015). "Identification and quantification of paralytic shellfish toxins in Puget Sound Marine Organisms." Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2:2380-2391. 全文
  • 费雷尔,R.P.; and R.K. 齐默(2013). “Molecules of keystone significance: Crucial agents in ecology and resource management.” 生物科学 63:428–38. 摘要
  • 费雷尔,R.P.; and R.K. 齐默(2012). “社区 ecology and the evolution of molecules of keystone significance.” 生物公告 223: 167–77. 全文
  • 费雷尔,R.P.; and R.K. 齐默(2009). “Chemical neuroecology and community dynamics.” Annals of the New York Academy of 科学 1170: 450-455.
  • 费雷尔,R.P.; and R.K. 齐默(2007). “The scent of danger: Arginine as an olfactory cue of reduced predation risk.” Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1768–75.
  • 费雷尔,R.P.; and R.K. 齐默(2007). “Chemosensory reception, behavioral expression, and ecological interactions at multiple trophic levels.” Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1776–85. 

* Denotes undergraduate

请参阅 Dr. 费雷尔的简历 (PDF) for additional publications.



Learn more about Dr. Ferrer's teaching and research interests, and hear his advice for Biology students.


Biology | Why I Teach


瑞安费雷尔, Professor of Biology

“I’m drawn to SPU because students, faculty, and staff so regularly engage one another.  It is a joy being challenged intellectually and spiritually by those with whom I work.”