股东 January 2019

院长说:纪念100人+ 服务年限

罗斯·斯图尔特“与33年来的3位教授告别,不是一件容易的事. After more than 100 years of collective service to the University, Professor of Marketing Regina Schlee, Professor of International Business 乔安娜Poznanska, 金融学教授丹·赫斯 今年春天退休.

这三位都是学者型教师,他们创造了一个重视每个学生声音的课堂. 他们是优秀的教授和研究人员,在各自的领域拥有先进的奖学金,并为大学的课程和生活做出了贡献.

这些教师深深扎根于他们的基督教信仰,并帮助培养了促进人类繁荣的毕业生. We have committed this issue to honoring Dr. 赫斯博士,. Schlee和Dr. Poznanska.

I hope to see you at 同学会 weekend February 1–3!



“I can’t think of a better way to spend a professional career.”
Retiring faculty on why they chose to teach 在SPU

Regina Schlee

如果你给了 Professor of Marketing Regina Schlee a thank-you note, it probably lives in a dedicated desk drawer. If she’s feeling down, she may reach inside and pull it out. One note from last November reads, “I hope you realize the impact you’ve had on my life and many others.”

“It makes my heart jump,” she says. “与学生互动并有所作为是教学的价值所在.”

Dr. Schlee是SBGE三位退休教师之一,他们在西雅图太平洋服务了至少30年. She joined the University in 1984, followed by Professor of International Business 乔安娜Poznanska 1987年,在此之前 金融学教授丹·赫斯 in 1977. 

Dr. Schlee在担任教授期间继续担任市场研究顾问, 并在多个专业营销机构担任领导职务. 她说SPU的教员是她职业生涯中共事过的最好的同事. “教师之间以及与学生之间的关系反映了耶稣的工作.”

丹•赫斯Dr. Hess has enjoyed teaching in the classroom, 但与学生们在课堂之外的时刻——在他的办公室或在他的安妮女王家吃晚饭——才是最令人难忘的.

他说:“学生们谈论他们的生活、他们的挣扎和他们的家庭. “大多数学生都有个人信仰,这就形成了一种共同的联系.”

他喜欢在研究项目上与教师合作,并为学生提供建议 投资基金 在SPU. “I can’t think of a better way to spend a professional career,” he says. “让自己沉浸在金融中, 与年轻人一起工作, 拥有优秀的同事, working in the Pacific Northwest is hard to beat.”


After emigrating from then-Communist Poland in 1980, Dr. 波兹南斯卡有兴趣将她的天主教信仰与她的奖学金联系起来.

“能在一个不仅追求学术卓越的学习型机构学习是一种莫大的荣幸, but also about educating students to love service. 当他们告诉我,‘赌博十大靠谱软件要把信仰和纪律结合起来’时,我很兴奋. 这是命中注定.”

Dr. Poznanska has also led several study abroad trips to China, where she says she developed deep bonds with students. 她说:“赌博十大靠谱软件的学生表现得很善良、有爱心、举止得体。.

校友: Reflections on retiring faculty



Business Broker at Homes and Equity Real Estate Group


Dr. Poznanska and I get together several times a year, I’m so thankful for her incredible mentorship and friendship. As a student, I was impressed by her deep knowledge and research. When she taught about the economic perspective in China, she drew not only from books and articles, 同时,她还根据自己的研究和经验,定期和学生们一起去中国学习. 除了, she participated in conferences abroad annually, shared the insights from other prominent researchers with her classes.

我永远不会忘记那次她邀请我的家人去她家庆祝复活节. Easter is a very important holiday in Poland, Dr. Poznanska made delicious dishes, such as Babka wielkanocna一个波兰复活节蛋糕,还有 Zurek (酸汤). 她是一个非常聪明的人, 支持, hospitable professor who will be greatly missed at 西雅图 Pacific.


Partner at The Smith Richards Group


Dr. Hess’ positive influence on my career continues beyond my time 在SPU.

作为他的学生, 我发现,他通过各种演讲嘉宾为我提供金融行业真实面貌的承诺,帮助我明确了自己进入金融行业的决定. As a professional in the financial world, 我有很多机会在他的课上发言——也许还能影响一个学生, 太. 现在, 作为雇主, 我很感激他把赌博十大靠谱软件介绍给学生,这些学生已经成为赌博十大靠谱软件最好的员工.

It's been a pleasure staying in touch with Dr. Hess all this time — 15 years and running!


Senior Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft


作为一名教授. Schlee is warm, funny, passionate about marketing. She brings the textbooks to life through case studies, 商业计划, by inviting guest speakers from the industry to speak in her classes.

For the past five years, I’ve presented in her marketing class. 她总是问一些关键问题,帮助学生学习为工作做好准备所需的工具和技能. Dr. Schlee的人脉也非常广,这对她的学生来说是一笔财富. I love how she bridges the gaps from the classroom to graduation to jobs.

My study abroad to Rome, Paris, 布拉格




As someone who had never left the country, 在罗马留学, 布拉格, Paris during Spring Quarter was a huge and terrifying decision.

我和博士一起旅行. Randy Franz and 17 SPU students to explore international business. 赌博十大靠谱软件了解了文化, 历史, 政治, economic context of each country during our three-week stay in each.


赌博十大靠谱软件的第一站是罗马,那里源源不断的披萨和意式冰淇淋永远不会过时. 我喜欢和教皇方济各一起参加梵蒂冈的复活节弥撒——尽管我不得不在凌晨4点起床.m. 对家庭价值观和传统的高度重视推动了意大利企业的长期决策.

布拉格赌博十大靠谱软件的下一个目的地是布拉格, 青山环绕, 红色的屋顶, delicious goulash (a meat and vegetable stew). 捷克共和国有着与早期工业化和共产主义时代相关的丰富历史. 赌博十大靠谱软件了解到,捷克人害怕再次失去自己的国家,在商业决策方面,他们在避免不确定性方面得分很高.

赌博十大靠谱软件在巴黎结束了赌博十大靠谱软件的时光,在那里我可以从我的公寓步行到埃菲尔铁塔. 质量, 传统, prestige are key to the French, which is shown in their top products of wine and perfume.

Bailey Shrum and group on study abroad trip

同时学习有关不同文化以及他们如何开展业务的宝贵信息, I was also able to gain confidence, 独立, 以及旅行技巧. 我现在希望有一天能在国外工作——这是我在这次旅行之前从未考虑过的!


去年12月,我校两名教师带领学生进行了为期两周的海外学习旅行. Dean 罗斯·斯图尔特 co-led a study abroad trip to Auckland, 新西兰, with fellow Kiwi Daniel Schofield, 化学副教授. 学生集中学习国际会计(斯图尔特教授)或环境化学和可持续发展(斯科菲尔德教授)。. 布拉德Murg, assistant professor of 政治 science, 带领学生去哈瓦那, 古巴, 学习政治学.


《信仰》的放映 & Co.

At SPU, we want to be the hub of your ongoing learning! That’s one of the reasons we developed 信仰 & Co.:有目的的商业,这是一门由 Dr. Kenman黄. 这个为期八周的课程旨在装备和激励商人将他们的工作视为对上帝和共同利益的服务. We will study 13 short documentary films, 哪些是基督徒在不同行业和职位上活出呼召的故事. While the course is free, it can be taken for credit for a small fee. The study guide is now available online, the course starts January 22. 现在就注册!


好的赌博软件推荐 返校节和家庭周末 2019 

We hope to see you back on campus February 1–3, 2019, for 返校节和家庭周末. 该活动包括学术和活动聚会,以建立网络和重新联系, 猎鹰队男子篮球比赛, 剧院, 音乐, 学生才艺表演, 和更多的. 不要错过这个与教职员工和校友重新联系的机会,享受一个庆祝西雅图州立大学一切的周末.

SBGE will have its own brunch on Saturday, February 2, from 9 to 11 a.m.,所以请在 注册页面. (Click on the box next to “同学会 Academic Reunions.”)

Guy Kawasaki


日期: 2019年4月5日,星期五
时间: 7–8:45 a.m. (6:30开门)
地点: 威斯汀西雅图

今年的 市区商务早餐 盖伊·川崎,Canva(在线平面设计工具)首席传道者. 他是梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的品牌大使,也是加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business)的高管. 苹果公司的前首席传道者和维基媒体基金会的受托人, Guy Kawasaki is also the author of over a dozen books, 包括 聪明的家伙《开始的艺术.0社交媒体的艺术魅力. Kawasaki has a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA, as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College.  If you are interested in sponsoring a table of 10 ($550), 电邮Lynne Hall. 从3月15日开始,根据供应情况,个人票将以75美元的价格出售.