


As technology continues to rapidly evolve, I’m grateful to be in a community of Christian scholars. Our professors 和 students wrestle with the moral implications of big data 和 artificial intelligence with hope 和 discernment. 为emost on their minds are questions such as: Does this new tool enhance our humanness, 赌博十大靠谱软件的人格, 实现“促进人类繁荣”的使命。? The lenses these questions provoke are the Christian affirmation that we are human beings made in the image of God 和 are co-creators with God. This beautiful truth helps our students explore the ways AI can enhance our creativity, 个人的声音, 同理心, 和谦卑. 但它也可以让人们意识到人工智能可能造成的伤害和孤立. 

We invite you to join us in thinking through some of the implications of AI 和 technology in this issue of 股东. And we’d love to delve deeper into these topics with you in one of our graduate programs.




Ryan Labrie,管理与信息系统教授


赌博十大靠谱软件采访了两位教授,Ryan LaBrie和安迪•陈 商业数据分析硕士学位 赌博十大靠谱软件他们如何在课堂上处理人工智能、数据和道德的课程.

Ryan LaBrie,管理与信息系统教授


在这个大数据时代,人工智能系统的表现要好得多. 如果你只有几条数据来得出结论或做出预测, 我不会帮你太多忙的. One example of an early-on failure of an AI recommendation system was when my 91-year-old gr和mother made her first purchase on 亚马逊.com (给女儿的生日礼物是《好的赌博软件推荐》). 她个人对儿童幻想不感兴趣, but for the rest of her life she received recommendations for that genre of literature — think 纳尼亚 《好的赌博软件推荐》 书.

Do you have any recommendations for how to approach AI 和 big data from a Christian perspective?

Generally, I view technology as neither good nor bad, but it’s what you do with it. 你还记得作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫吗? In 1942 he wrote a short story called “Runaround” that included three laws of robots. 第一条是“机器人不得伤害人类或他人”, 袖手旁观, 允许一个人受到伤害.” Just as doctors take a Hippocratic Oath to uphold ethical st和ards in medical practice, 我认为,人工智能系统的开发者应该做出某种“阿西莫维奇誓言”(Asimovic Oath).

作为一名教育者, how do you feel about tools like ChatGPT where a student could potentially use AI to write papers 和 do other work?

我想说几件事. 首先,作为一名教育者,提出正确的问题很重要. 对ChatGPT来说,写一篇赌博十大靠谱软件拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的文章是很容易的. But if you asked ChatGPT to write an essay about what Ralph Waldo Emerson believes in light of a recent event, 它没有足够的数据来有效地做到这一点. 此外, 在作业提示符中, you could ask the student to relate the topic at h和 to their own individual experience, 因此,AI代理很难创造出这种类型的内容.

随着赌博十大靠谱软件向生成式人工智能迈进,我并不太担心ChatGPT. Yes, there will be many more like it, 和 many applications of it, but this is an arms race. Open AI(开发ChatGPT的公司)也在开发一种检测器, 和 I’m fairly confident that they will freely distribute that technology as well.




As a Christian professor, how do you approach thinking 和 teaching about big data 和 AI?

我关注的是伦理学,并将其与圣经如何谈论伦理学联系起来. 例如, 以赛亚书47:7, 它说, “你没有反省自己的行为,也没有考虑后果.” Thinking about possible consequences is an important step in protecting customers 和 their data. 在课堂上, we’ll talk about examples of data breaches 和 companies who have been hacked 和 lost data. Even though data is electronic, it still represents a physical human being who is a child of God.


在很多领域, 人工智能解决方案可以比人类更有效、更准确地完成工作, 这意味着更少的错误. 例如, AI has been found to detect breast cancer more accurately than human doctors.




最近 布鲁斯·贝克,商业名誉教授曾为两本书写过章节: 人工智能、信仰和未来技术:基督教对技术的看法.


“AI constructs a membrane between people 和 tries to filter 和 manipulate our interactions in ways that benefit whoever owns the machine,他说. “It’s helpful for us to reflect on how that creates cracks in our world to allow sin to seep in.”

In 技术:基督教对技术的看法,贝克会问一些问题,帮助牧师与会众互动. 其中一些问题包括,“人工智能能拥有灵魂吗??”; “Can AI be conscious?”; 和 “Can AI be evil?”

“我希望教会大胆地深入研究这些问题,”贝克说. “一切都在上帝的管辖之下. 赌博十大靠谱软件没有什么可害怕的. I want churches that are so alive with thinking 和 underst和ing through the eyes of faith.”






作为一名公共政策专业的大学生, 艾尔莎·雅明(埃尔莎Yammin)从未想过自己会在美国公司工作——或者与科技行业打交道. But she ended up mastering in data analytics at SPU 和 has worked at Tesla since 2020. 在她目前的职位上, 她指导住宅能源产品, 例如太阳能逆变器, 市场, 并以“加速世界向可持续能源的过渡”为乐.”

“The (MS-DAB) program provided me with the technical skills to be able to analyze the data 和 derive insights from it, 是什么驱动着赌博十大靠谱软件所有的商业决策,”她说。. “You can have people run the data for you, but doing it yourself is incredibly useful.”

当她开始 MS-DAB程序在美国,她因缺乏技术知识而感到不知所措. But eventually she grasped 和 then mastered the concepts of applied data analytics.

“我很感激教授们. 他们会说,‘继续下去,最终一切都会有意义的. 不要放弃.如果没有他们,我今天就不会站在这里. 数据分析是非常有用的知识. 它可以应用于任何地方. 现在一切都是数据驱动的.”



数据分析的研究生学位能为你做什么? 这是应用的、基于协作的 商业数据分析硕士学位 课程将建立在你的热情收集, 组织, 并分析数据-内部或外部的业务环境. Use your leadership skills to extract meaning from raw data 和 transform it into a usable asset that can make a difference. 如果你已经准备好迈出职业生涯的下一步, 应用 赌博十大靠谱软件今天的硕士学位.

MBA学生合作项目| Dan Sheehan摄


If you want to become a leader who uses business to serve the common good, consider SPU’s MBA课程. The program is newly enhanced with 13 graduate business certificate programs 和 is fully online, so you can receive a high-quality AACSB accredited business education no matter where you live. The program is particularly relevant for anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of technology while also using business to advance human flourishing. 立即索取更多信息!



Deana波特菲尔德, president of Roberts Wesleyan University 和 Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan University, 被选为SPU 132年历史上第12任校长. 她将于2023年7月1日上任.

“作为一个学术团体, SPU一直处于领先地位, bringing new insights 和 thoughtful discussion to complex conversations that face us in our society,波特菲尔德说. “迎接未来挑战所需的工作从赌博十大靠谱软件开始, 我期待着与SPU社区一起祷告, 深深的希望, 以及赌博十大靠谱软件能够推动SPU向前发展的信心.”




SBGE has garnered the prestigious PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) Champion designation 再次通过联合国全球契约. SPU is one of only three schools in the United States 和 47 throughout the world to receive this status.

“赌博十大靠谱软件的信念决定了赌博十大靠谱软件作为prime冠军的承诺, because it teaches us that we need to see business as service to others 和 society,” 盖瑞梅森,经济学副教授. “赌博十大靠谱软件的主要目的是挽回生意, 政府, 公民社会作为繁荣的力量. 它根植于赌博十大靠谱软件的内心. 这对赌博十大靠谱软件来说是不可选择的.”

信仰 & Co. 电影强调投资黑人企业家

为了应对他们所面临的资金获取挑战, 三位成功的黑人企业家联手创办了Collab Capital, 一个faith-driven, 总部位于亚特兰大的投资基金. Collab独特的投资模式和系统方法伴随着创新, early-stage Black founders to scale their businesses 和 build generational wealth for their families 和 communities.


SBGE和 格哈德·施泰因克,管理和信息系统教授北京主办了第三十三届中国农业大学年会 国际信息管理协会 (IIMA) 10月在西雅图. 23-26. 与会者最远从英国和荷兰赶来. The conference took place at the Museum of Flight as well as in the Falcon’s Lounge on the SPU campus.


赌博十大靠谱软件欢迎杰奎琳·德拉姆海勒, Bio-Rad实验室的可持续发展项目经理, 10月17日来学校参加院长演讲系列. Drumheller explained how she fell into developing 和 implementing the award-winning corporate sustainability strategy for Alaska Air Group. 她目前是Bio-Rad可持续发展战略的先锋. Her interactive lecture provided many real-life examples of both helpful 和 performative strategies corporations have implemented.


2月9日,赌博十大靠谱软件向史蒂夫·贝尔颁发了弗兰克·哈斯商业诚信奖. 10. 贝尔是贝尔蒙特橱柜公司的创始人, 一家位于萨姆纳的家族橱柜制造商, 华盛顿, 致力于产品创新, 功能, 以及永恒而又引领潮流的风格. 贝尔蒙特橱柜的使命是让世界变得更美好, 建筑的完整性, 尊重, 以及作为社区和环境管理者的责任.

布鲁斯肯尼迪伦理领导讲座- 5月3日

在日历上标上下午7点的布鲁斯·肯尼迪道德领导力讲座.m.5月3日,在好的赌博软件推荐的Gwinn Commons. 讲座的主角是Uli Chi, 一位屡获殊荣的科技企业家, 布拉德·蒂尔登, 阿拉斯加航空公司的董事长.