Informational interviews

信息性面试是你与你感兴趣的特定行业或工作环境的人安排的约会, in order to gain “insider” information about it. 在选择专业或职业时,信息面试是了解你需要知道的最有效的方法之一, or beginning a job search. Often you can learn things you could not learn any other way.

What can you gain from an informational interview?

  • Up-to-date, firsthand information about an occupation or company
  • 有机会与了解你的人讨论如何适应一份职业或一家公司
  • Insight into how people feel about their work and organization
  • 有机会在没有压力的情况下建立重要的联系——潜在的雇主
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件在特定领域寻找工作的最佳方法的信息
  • Self-confidence, 通过与陌生人见面的经历——这是成功的职业决策和求职的关键因素.
  • 如何获得相关经验,使您成为更合格的客户的建议.

Informational interview tips

  • 在着装和礼仪方面,把信息面试当作正式的工作面试来对待.
  • 努力给别人留下好印象——你的面试可能会给你带来工作机会.
  • For more of an inside scoop, 考虑把面试安排在没有招聘权的人身上.
  • Keep it short. 不要问面试官在20到30分钟内回答不完的问题. If the person extends it, that’s fine.
  • Bring a copy of your résumé and portfolio.
  • 询问公司内外其他联系人的姓名.
  • Ask for permission to contact the person again.
  • Thank the person for taking the time to meet with you.
  • Follow up with a thank-you note within 24 hours.

How to conduct informational interviews

头脑风暴,找出你认识的可能与你感兴趣的行业或组织有联系的人. 主动打电话给那个人,让他或她知道你在寻找什么信息.

Here are some other ways to find someone:

Almost anyone in an organization can be a good starting place. Often the person can refer you to people “up the line.” And it’s always good to get more than one perspective.

  • 打电话或亲自拜访该公司,安排一次信息面试. If you prefer to make contact via email or LinkedIn, be sure to indicate that you will follow up (and when).
  • If you are starting from scratch, 打电话或拜访公司,向接待员解释你正在研究职业选择,并希望能遇到有意向的人______(你感兴趣的职位或职业). Ask whom the receptionist would recommend you connect with. 在找到合适的人之前,你可能会被调职好几次.
  • 如果你有推荐人,说明是谁推荐的,以及你联系的原因.
  • 说明你是谁,并说明你打电话的原因:“我是好的赌博软件推荐的一名学生,我正在____寻找职业. 我对____很感兴趣,希望能和别人谈谈,了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件它的信息. 你愿意和我就你的工作做一个简短的面试吗?”
  • 说明你是为了职业研究而寻找信息,而不是为了找工作或实习.
  • 安排一个面试官方便的时间和地点见面. 交换赌博十大靠谱软件,必要时询问地址或方向. Follow up with an email to confirm the appointment.
  • Read about the occupation, industry, and company before you go. 这将使您熟悉您将遇到的一些术语和思想.
  • Write out specific questions you want to ask. Think through the things that are important to you. What do you really want to know? 如果答案可以在印刷或在线材料中找到,不要问问题.
  • 一定要表现得职业化,穿着得体.

Introduce yourself and state your purpose. 准备好分享为什么你对探索这个行业感到兴奋,并从对方的角度学习更多. A well-prepared introduction will help get the meeting flowing. Have your list of questions; refer to them and take notes. Time will go by quickly, so listen actively and take good notes. Honor the time limitations you initially set. After 20 minutes, offer to end the interview, 但如果对方想和你多呆一会儿,你要做好留下来的准备.

感谢对方抽出时间,并要一张名片. 给他们发一封电子邮件,感谢他们的时间,并在24小时内发送一份简报 thank-you note. If appropriate, ask to connect with the person on LinkedIn.

  1. Be certain of the kind of information you are seeking: e.g., information about the industry, the company or organization, the specific or general occupation, or the career direction.
  2. 一定要遵守你和面试官达成的协议, that this is an informational conversation only. 你可以问一个人如何有效地开始他在这家公司的职业生涯,或者问他对找工作有什么建议, but don’t ask for a job or an interview.
  3. 询问对方是否愿意把你和其他可能提供建议的人联系起来.
  4. 记住这是一种互惠的关系,你也可以提供一些东西. 通过发送与行业相关的文章或博客帖子的“联系”邮件,保持在对方的脑海中, and updates about your progress in career exploration.

Informational interview questions

  1. How did you get into this field?
  2. What are the responsibilities of your job?
  3. What do you like most about your job? Least?
  4. What skills and experiences are most important in your field?
  5. What is your typical day like?
  6. 你推荐我参加哪些组织和网络团体?
  7. What activities, classes, 或者你大学经历的其他部分为你的职业生涯做了最好的准备?
  8. 作为一名大学生,你为你的职业生涯做过的最好的决定是什么?
  9. 在这个职位上,最成功的人有哪些共同的性格特征或才能?
  10. 如果你现在开始你的职业生涯,你会有什么不同的做法?
  11. What can I do to make myself more marketable?
  12. What are other related career fields?
  13. What would be a typical career path in this field?
  14. How did you obtain your first job?
  15. 您是否愿意审阅我的履历并提出您的意见和建议? (只有在你感觉舒服并且面试进行得很顺利的时候才问这个问题.)
  1. 你如何描述你的组织的总体使命和目标?
  2. What are the core activities and services of this department?
  3. How would you describe your clients? What is important to them?
  4. Where do you see growth or change occurring in the organization?
  5. What are some typical entry-level job roles in this department?
  6. What qualities does your company look for in the people they hire?
  7. 我建立了一个这个领域的目标组织列表来进行研究. 你愿意看一下我的清单并给我一些建议吗?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Would I enjoy working for this company/doing this type of work?
  2. 我的个人资产如何满足公司/职业的需要?
  3. What other people/organizations should I contact?