
住宅居住要求 在2022-23学年恢复.

Along with the reinstatement of the 住宅居住要求, we are anticipating that housing capacity will return to normal levels. 然而, changes in government guidance or other developments may necessitate an adjustment of these plans. More information will be provided when available.

While we anticipate being able to welcome all students back to campus in the fall, we will need to continue to monitor developments before students can reserve specific spaces. To avoid having students sign-up for spaces that may not be in use or need to have reduced density, returning student housing sign-up will be delayed until more concrete class delivery 和 housing density information is known. 不管这个过程是如何进行的, room 和 roommate preferences will be honored as availability allows.

New students who submit their application materials by June 1 will be notified of their housing on July 15, 正如预期的.

Gwinn Commons 餐厅 Hall is operating under normal seating density 和 self-service conditions. 请遵守所有张贴的标志.

With student safety in mind 和 in alignment with guidance from 华盛顿州金县, 住宅的指导方针 已修改. Information may be updated from time to time, including based on new guidance. Residents are expected to abide by these guidelines (in addition to 那些总是为学生而存在的). Students who are unwilling to abide by these expectations will be subject to the 学生问责程序 和 may lose the privilege of living on campus.

SPU staff may instruct residential students to isolate in specific units on campus if they are exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19, or may instruct residential students to quarantine in their on-campus units if they may have been exposed to COVID-19 but are not exhibiting symptoms. Students quarantining in an apartment may be required to remain in the apartment for two weeks or more.

同样的, placing a residence hall floor in quarantine may mean that no student may leave the floor for two weeks or more. SPU staff would work with students in isolation or quarantine to address academic 和 other living needs, but students who do not follow quarantine 和 isolation instructions will be subject to the 学生问责程序 和 may lose the privilege of living on campus.

Students who have been asked to isolate or quarantine in a designated campus location can find information about this process 和 available resources here. For guidance about when isolation or quarantine may be required, see the SPU隔离/隔离协议


的 choices that each of us make can have lasting impacts on the people we encounter, 与......联系, 参加课程, 住在一起. Students are expected to work together for the health 和 safety of the whole academic community.

As a part of our efforts to ensure that all members of our campus are safe, residential students 和 those taking classes on campus are asked to self-quarantine for ten days (和 ideally up to 14 days) immediately prior to arriving to the University. 这应包括以下内容:

限制接触 with others 和 staying home as much as possible, as well as following recommendations for physical distancing 和 facial coverage if outside the home during this time.

每天监测你的健康状况, being sure to note any unusual symptoms that cannot be attributed to another health condition.

As you may be aware, symptoms of Covid-19/Coronavirus can include the following:

  • 新咳嗽
  • New shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • 发烧超过100.4
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • 头疼
  • 喉咙痛
  • 失去味觉或嗅觉
  • 鼻塞或流鼻涕
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 腹泻

If students test positive for COVID 19 or experience COVID-19 symptoms within the TEN days prior to coming to campus or are in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the TEN days prior to coming to campus, students are asked to not come to campus 和 contact 卫生服务 to discuss a plan for next steps.

Details about fall quarter move-in will be provided when available.

All students are encouraged to put together a “care kit” that includes the following items:

  • 可重复使用的面罩 (查看SPU的 遮盖面部指南). It is recommended that you bring more than one to allow for washing in between uses (or some disposable face coverings for back up).
  • 个人护理包: H和 sanitizer,rmometer, tissues, over-the-counter products (e.g.、泰诺、含片、茶等.).
  • 小型急救箱.
  • 处方药: If possible, having an additional month's supply is recommended.

Students should also be sure to have access to their medical insurance card 和 make sure that their emergency contact information in 横幅 是最新的.



Reducing the risk of infection on campus is a shared responsibility, 和 we ask all members of our community to do their part. For the most up-to-date information for students, visit the Stay Smart网站.