
A student who is not seeking a degree at Seattle Pacific, but who wishes to take courses may be able to do so as a non-matriculated student. Below are policy issues surrounding this type of student status:

  • 没有申请费 不被大学录取.
  • 最大信贷负荷 每季度18个学分.
  • 不超过45学分 taken as a non-matriculated student may apply toward an undergraduate degree.
  • 不超过15学分 may be applied to a post-baccalaureate degree.
  • 如果一个学生决定 to pursue a degree or certificate program at SPU, he or she is required to go through the normal admissions process.

To register as a non-matriculated student, complete the Registration Form for Non-Matriculated学生 (PDF) and submit to Student Academic Services (SAS) to be processed.

This form asks for directory information, the student’s social security number, date of birth, requested courses and the student’s signature. It is important to indicate all current contact information so that the student may receive information from SPU departments. The University will review the completed form to determine whether the individual will be permitted to take courses as a non-matriculated student.

Course offerings can be found in the Time Schedule. Students should note that some courses may not be available to non-matriculated students and/or that some courses may have registration restrictions attached. In either case, the student would need to request special permission from the appropriate department.

One disadvantage for non-matriculated students is that registration does not begin until all matriculated students have had a chance to register. See the 校历 for specific dates for each quarter. 秋季学期, non-matriculated students can begin registering on September 1 or the first business day in September.


  • Non-matriculated学生 are not eligible to receive financial aid and will pay regular tuition for courses on a per-credit basis.
  • Veterans may not be able to receive benefits through the G.I. Bill.
  • Non-matriculated学生 may not be allowed to take the same course more than once.
  • Non-matriculated学生 must comply 带着所有的期望, policies and procedures applicable to matriculated undergraduate students.
  • Non-matriculated学生 are not eligible to participate in clubs or student government organizations.
  • Non-matriculated international students who are non-native English speakers* are required to submit an acceptable official English proficiency test score to 国际学生服务 and Student Academic Services, in additional to other required documentation related to non-immigrant status, and must pay for their courses at the point of registration.

*SPU considers an international student to be a native English speaker if both their primary and secondary education took place in Australia, 加拿大(魁北克除外), Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, or the U.S. (波多黎各除外).