Food and Nutritional Sciences


Programs offered
  • 食品与营养科学(主修、副修和重点)

Food and Nutritional Sciences (BS)

  • 本专业至少需要89-116学分, including 25 upper-division credits.
  • 你必须完成三个重点中的一个 食品及营养科学学士学位:
    • Dietetics Emphasis; Food and Nutritional (General) Emphasis; or Sports and Exercise Emphasis.
  • 本专业要求完成家庭与消费者科学核心课程, which includes:
    • FCS 1050“FCS入门”,在大一或大二期间完成. (如果你是转校生,你可以在大三完成.)
    • FCS 3240“个人和家庭发展”,在FCS 1050之后完成.
    • FCS 4899“高级顶点”,在FCS 3240之后,在你的大四期间完成.
  • 为了进入食品与营养专业, 你必须完成以下课程,成绩达到C-或以上:
    • BIO 2129, BIO 2130; CHM 1310, CHM 1330, CHM 1360; FCS 1050, and FCS 2365 or FCS 3340.
  • An overall GPA of 3.0 or higher is required 应用于营养学的重点.
  • An overall GPA of 2.5 or higher is required 应用于食品和营养科学重点.
  • An overall GPA of 2.5 or higher is required 应用于体育及运动的重点.
  • 你应该修完前提课程 in chemistry, biology, 以及家庭和消费者科学(FCS 1050和FCS 2365或FCS 3340).
  • 辅修课程至少需要55个学分, including 15 upper-division credits.

    Dietetics emphasis

    营养学重点,也被称为营养学教学计划(DPD),由美国食品和药物管理局批准 营养及营养学教育认可委员会 (ACEND). 完成DPD和学士学位后,您将获得DPD认证.

    如你有意成为注册营养师, 你还必须完成营养学实习,并通过国家营养学注册考试 Commission on Dietetic Registration.

    营养学实习是在竞争的基础上授予的. 教育要求的附加信息, 营养师证书及营养学实习的名单可于 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


    如果您是寻求DPD验证的学士学位后学生, 你的课程要求与营养学的重点相同, except for the following:

    • A 5-credit course of 入门心理学,社会学或人类学也必须完成.

      FCS 1050“FCS简介”和FCS 3240“个人和家庭发展”不需要.

    如果你是一名学士学位后的学生,除了DPD验证之外,还在寻求第二个学士学位, 你必须完成上面列出的要求, as well as the following:

    • At least 45 credits from SPU as a matriculated student.
    • At least 15 upper-division credits in the major.
    • Five credits in 基督教圣经或基督教神学

    Your previous academic work, if completed within the last seven years, 是否符合DPD的要求. DPD主任的成绩单审查将确定您必须完成的课程以满足要求.

    如果你正在完成第二个学士学位的要求, you may be eligible for federal student financial aid; non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid.

    Apply for the major or minor

    • You should apply for a major or minor by your junior year.
    • Your application is due 在秋季、冬季或春季学期的第一个星期五或之前.
    • Applications for all majors and minors, 除室内设计外,每季度审查一次.
    • Interior Design major applications are reviewed only once per year. 申请截止日期为4月10日或之前.
    • Faculty must approve all admission to the majors and minors.
    • Your overall GPA must be a minimum of 2.服装设计专业5分, Fashion Merchandising, Individual and Family Development, 或家庭与消费者科学中等教育.
    • 在食品和营养科学专业, 你的总平均成绩必须不低于3分.0 for admission to the Dietetics emphasis; for the Food and Nutritional Sciences emphasis and the Sports and Exercise emphasis, 你的总平均成绩必须不低于2分.5.
    • Apply to this majors or minor through the online Major or Minor application. 当你被录取为主修或辅修专业时,你必须完成有效的主修或辅修要求.

    SPU students on campus

    Family Consumer Sciences 

    Visit Family and Consumer Sciences 看看FSC学位如何帮助你实现你的目标,在世界上有所作为.

    Time Schedule: Family Consumer Sciences

    Course planning

    Suggested course sequences 帮助你及时完成你的学位.