
Social Venture Plan

About the SBGE

深深扎根于基督教信仰和价值观的, 赌博十大靠谱软件培养通过商业服务促进人类繁荣的领导者, government, and civil society.

SBGE distinctives

而商学院的课程, Government, 在基本学科知识和技能的覆盖方面,经济学与其他大学的课程有适当的相似, 在好的赌博软件推荐,它们反映了两个使命驱动的特点:

  • Develop and promote 对商业、经济和政治的基于神学的理解.
  • Be a superior provider of applied learning.

Degree programs

  • Accounting (major)
  • Business Administration (major, minor, and tracks)
    • 工商管理专业: Economics; Finance; Information Systems; International Business; Management; Marketing; Public Policy; Social Enterprise
  • Economics (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Economics tracks: Business Analysis; Development Economics; Financial Economics; Public Policy
  • Entrepreneurship (minor)
  • Global Development Studies (major)
  • 政治、哲学和经济学 (major)
    • 政治、哲学和经济学课程:Applied Economics; Financial Economics; International Affairs; Philosophy; Law; Public Administration; Social Enterprise
  • Political Science (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Political Science tracks: Public Policy/Law; International Affairs


McKenna Hall


SBGE所有专业的学生都必须具备使用电子表格的能力. 找出这个的方法 能够满足胜任要求.

McKenna Hall


Visit the 商业、政府和经济学院网站 查看学校的专业和辅修说明. 看看这所学校的学位如何帮助你实现你的目标,在世界上有所作为.

Time Schedule