


大学学者计划 creates a community of self-motivated scholars engaged in thoughtful cross-disciplinary conversation, 写作, and action on issues facing the church and the world. Courses for “UScholars” are rigorously interdisciplinary and offer intensive peer discussion.

  • 的 大学学者计划 replaces — with the exception of the University Foundations courses, a science course, and the 数学要求 — the 普通的课程 and the 研究性课程 for selected students.
  • 大学学者 are highly motivated students who pursue an intense academic program, 研究伟大的艺术作品, 文学, 哲学, 社会科学, and natural science in their historical contexts. 
  • As a University Scholar, you are required take a a USCH特别课程序列.
  • As a University Scholar, you must meet the same competency requirements in math/quantitative reasoning, “W” coursework, and foreign language required of all undergraduates.
  • You must complete a major and have a minimum 180 credits to graduate, including 60 upper-division credits (courses numbered 3000 or above), 8 credits of which must be “W” credits. 
  • You must complete a 5-credit Ways of Knowing in the Fundamental 科学 (WKSS) course.
  • You must also complete a 5-credit mathematics course selected from the list of quantitative reasoning courses approved for the 研究性课程. 


  • Prior to enrolling in USCH 3910 “信仰与科学1,” you must satisfy the Ways of Knowing in the Fundamental 科学 course. (AP学分已收, IB, 剑桥国际课程, or CLEP science will not fulfill this requirement.)
  • You must complete a 5-credit mathematics course, to be chosen from the list of courses approved for the 研究性课程.
  • You will take a special honors section of UFDN 1000 在你大二的时候, and then later enroll in any section of UFDN 2000 and 3100 that best fits your schedule.
  • 的 Honors Project involves 4 credits of individual scholarly work 选择与你专业相关的科目, undertaken with the assistance of a faculty mentor and completed during the senior year. Projects or papers that fulfill this requirement must meet disciplinary standards, discuss the relationship of faith and learning, be approved by the director of 大学学者, and be completed prior to graduation. Honors Projects are given special recognition at Commencement. A maximum of 4 credits is allowed in 项目一 and/or II.
  • You are required to maintain a minimum 3.2平均绩点 留在计划中.
  • Special service to the SPU community should be a high priority 大学学者. 每年, the graduating senior who best exemplifies the high ideals of the program is honored with the Wesley E. Lingren Award, in honor of the founding director. 


Students wishing to leave the program must submit a letter of resignation to the director. 的y will immediately become subject to the 普通的课程 and 研究性课程 requirements.

的y will not lose credit previously earned by successful completion of examinations, 例如CLEP或Running Start. 大学学者课程 taken in the first and second year transfer into either the 普通的课程 or the 研究性课程 at 西雅图 Pacific.